STEP 4 :Register Mediamelon SDK using your assigned customerID.
Add the below lines in the onCreate method of
Log.d("SmartStreamingIntgr", MMSmartStreamingExo2.getVersion());
PropertyReader.setRegistrationURL("$Registration URL for the MMSDK");
MMSmartStreamingExo2.enableLogTrace(true); //set to "false" before releasing player to production
if (MMSmartStreamingExo2.getRegistrationStatus() == false){
//Check if it is the first time Registration process is done
// Please make the registration API call based on the version of the SDK you are using.
MMSmartStreamingExo2.registerMMSmartStreaming("$PLAYERNAME", "$CustomerID", "$SUBSCRIBERID", "$DOMAINNAME", "$SUBSCRIBERTYPE", "$SUBSCRIBERTAG");
MMSmartStreamingExo2.reportPlayerInfo("$PlayerBrand", "$PlayerModel", "$PlayerVersion");
MMSmartStreamingExo2.getInstance().setContext(getApplicationContext()); //Please make sure to provide the application's context here, and not the activity's context
MMSmartStreamingExo2.disableManifestsFetch(true); // pass true if you want to disable Manifests Fetch
Player Name as in ExoPlayer, KalturaPlayer etc.
String containing your MediaMelon-assigned Customer ID.
String containing your subscriber’s ID. If you do not use subscriber IDs, leave it as it is.
String containing your section of your subscriber or assets. (Optional)
String containing the subscriber type (e.g. “Free”, “Paid”). If you do not use subscriber types, leave it as it is.
String containing an additional subscriber-specific information. This is sent in clear (not hashed) to SmartSight and it is advised to not send sensitive information in this field.
String containing Asset Id.
String containing Asset Name.
String containing your video’s ID. If you do not use videos IDs, leave it as it is.
String containing the player brand (e.g. “Exo”).
For example - This could be a variant of player. Say name of third party player used by organisation. Or any human readable name of the player
String containing the player version.
STEP 5 : Disable manifest fetching by the SDK.
If your workflow restricts the manifest to be accessible from both player and the MediaMelon Player SDK simultaneously, then, you can disable the fetch of manifest via :
Log.d("SmartStreamingIntgr", MMSmartStreamingExo2.getVersion());
PropertyReader.setRegistrationURL("$Registration URL for the MMSDK");
MMSmartStreamingExo2.enableLogTrace(true); //set to "false" before releasing player to production
if (MMSmartStreamingExo2.getRegistrationStatus() == false){
//Check if it is the first time Registration process is done
// Please make the registration API call based on the version of the SDK you are using.
MMSmartStreamingExo2.registerMMSmartStreaming("$PLAYERNAME", "$CustomerID", "$SUBSCRIBERID", "$DOMAINNAME", "$SUBSCRIBERTYPE", "$SUBSCRIBERTAG");
MMSmartStreamingExo2.reportPlayerInfo("$PlayerBrand", "$PlayerModel", "$PlayerVersion");
MMSmartStreamingExo2.getInstance().setContext(getApplicationContext()); //Please make sure to provide the application's context here, and not the activity's context
MMSmartStreamingExo2.disableManifestsFetch(true); // pass true if you want to disable Manifests Fetch
Note: Disable Manifest Fetch is Optional
STEP 6: Create the Content Metadata object inside the initializePlayer() method of .
String assetId = "assetID"; //enter you assetId here
String assetName = "assetNAME"; // enter your assetname here
String videoId = "videoID"; // enter your videoId here
ContentMetadata cm = new ContentMetadata();
String episodeNumber = "EpisodeNumber";
String season = "Season";
String genre = "Genre";
String drmProtection = "drmProtection";
String contentType = "contentType";
String title = "Title";
JSONObject contentMetadata = cm.getJSONObject();
STEP 7: Get the mediaURL and vastURL from the Nowtilus SSAI stream url.
NOTE - The player needs to be given the extracted mediaURL as the playback URL.
String streamURL = "NOWTILUS SSAI URL";
The streamURL gives the mediaURL and VastURL as a response as shown below ,extract the mediaURL and vastURL from the response
STEP 8: Add the below lines to the initializePlayer() method. Add the lines after the player is initialized and not null.
NOTE - boolean enablePollingforSSAI variable indicates whether the Mediamelon SDK needs to poll for the VAST URL or not. Please set it to true if you want to opt for polling else set it to false.
private void initializePlayer() {
MMSmartStreamingExo2.getInstance().initializeSession(player, MMQBRMode.QBRModeDisabled, "Extracted MediaURL from Nowtilus SSAI streamURL", null, assetId, assetName, videoId,null,contentMetadata );
MMSmartStreamingExo2.getInstance().vastURLfromApplication ="extracted vastURL from the NOwtilus SSAI URL";
boolean enablePollingforSSAI = false; // set to true if you want to poll for vast
MMSmartStreamingExo2.getInstance().initNewStream("Extracted MediaURL from Nowtilus SSAI streamURL",enablePollingforSSAI);
STEP 9: Subscribe to AD EVENTS .
MMSmartStreamingNowtilusSSAIPlugin mmSmartStreamingNowtilusSSAIPlugin = MMSmartStreamingExo2.getInstance().getSSAIAdManager();
MMSSAIEventsListeners mmssaiEventsListeners = new MMSSAIEventsListeners() {
public void onAdImpression(mmAd ssaiAdInfo) {
public void onAdComplete(mmAd ssaiAdInfo) {
public void onCueTimelineEnter(mmAd ssaiAdInfo) {
public void onCueTimelineExit(mmAd ssaiAdInfo) {
public void onCueTimelineAdded(mmAdTimelineInfo timelineInfo) {
Log.d("SmartStreamingIntgr", MMSmartStreamingExo2.getVersion());
MMSmartStreamingExo2.enableLogTrace(true); //set to "false" before releasing player to production
if (MMSmartStreamingExo2.getRegistrationStatus() == false){
//Check if it is the first time Registration process is done
// Please make the registration API call based on the version of the SDK you are using.
MMSmartStreamingExo2.registerMMSmartStreaming("$PLAYERNAME", "$MMCustomerID", "$SUBSCRIBERID", "$DOMAINNAME", "$SUBSCRIBERTYPE", "$SUBSCRIBERTAG");
MMSmartStreamingExo2.reportPlayerInfo("CustomPlayerName", ExoPlayerLibraryInfo.VERSION, "1.0");
MMSmartStreamingExo2.getInstance().setContext(getApplicationContext()); //Please make sure to provide the application's context here, and not the activity's context
Inside the initializePlayer() method
String assetId = "assetID"; //enter you assetId here
String assetName = "assetNAME"; // enter your assetname here
String videoId = "videoID"; // enter your videoId here
ContentMetadata cm = new ContentMetadata();
String episodeNumber = "EpisodeNumber";
String season = "Season";
String genre = "Genre";
String drmProtection = "drmProtection";
String contentType = "contentType";
String title = "Title";
JSONObject contentMetadata = cm.getJSONObject();
MMSmartStreamingExo2.getInstance().initializeSession(player, MMQBRMode.QBRModeDisabled, "Extracted MediaURL from Nowtilus SSAI streamURL", null, assetId, assetName, videoId,null,contentMetadata );
MMSmartStreamingExo2.getInstance().vastURLfromApplication ="extracted vastURL from the NOwtilus SSAI URL";
boolean enablePollingforSSAI = false; // set to true if you want to poll for vast
MMSmartStreamingExo2.getInstance().initNewStream("Extracted MediaURL from Nowtilus SSAI streamURL",enablePollingforSSAI);
//get the SSAI Admanager and subscribe to events
MMSmartStreamingNowtilusSSAIPlugin mmSmartStreamingNowtilusSSAIPlugin = MMSmartStreamingExo2.getInstance().getSSAIAdManager();
MMSSAIEventsListeners mmssaiEventsListeners = new MMSSAIEventsListeners() {
public void onAdImpression(mmAd ssaiAdInfo) {
public void onAdComplete(mmAd ssaiAdInfo) {
public void onCueTimelineEnter(mmAd ssaiAdInfo) {
public void onCueTimelineExit(mmAd ssaiAdInfo) {
public void onCueTimelineAdded(mmAdTimelineInfo timelineInfo) {