AV Player with Nowtilus SSAI

Step by step integration of the Mediamelon Player SDK with Nowtilus SSAI with AV Player

Step 1: Get the MMGenericFramework Framework Library

Download the MMGenericFramework faremwork

Copy the MMGenericFramework framework to the AVPlayerWithNowtilusSSAI directory

If you are building for the simulator use the MMGenericFramework.framework in the iphonesimulator-x86 and which building for the device use the MMGenericFramework.framework in the iphoneos-arm64 directory

Step 2: Integrating the MMGeneric Framework with the AV Player Sample Application

There are a few steps involved for integrating the MediaMelon Player SDK using the MediaMelonSmartStreaming Framework:

  1. Add the appropriate MMGenericFramework to the AV Player Sample Application

  2. Add the AVPlayerIntegrationWrapper.swift file from the Wrapper directory

  3. Provide Asset information

  4. Add the MMSSAIAdManagerDelegate callbacks

  5. Initializing SSAIAd Manager

  6. Set Macro Substitution data

  7. Stop the Ad Manager

All AV Player related code of the sample application can be found in the Swift classViewController.swift

1. Import Frameworks

import MMGenericFramework

2. Ad the AVPlayerIntegrationWrapper.swift file

This is the integration layer between the MediaMelon Framework and AV Player. This needs to be added to the project. Unless absolutely necessary , this file should not be modified.

3. Provide Asset information

After the instance of the player is create, we should set the asset information and send it to before starting its playback. In ViewController.swift, call function self.configureMMSDKwithURL(player: AVPlayer)

private func configureMMSDKWithURL(player: AVPlayer) {
        print("Integrating with \(String(describing: AVPlayerIntegrationWrapper.getVersion()))")

        AVPlayerIntegrationWrapper.shared.mmssaiManagerDelegate = self
        AVPlayerIntegrationWrapper.initializeAssetForPlayer(player: player)
        //Initialize SSAI
        AVPlayerIntegrationWrapper.shared.initialiseSSAIAdManager(mediaUrl: self.mediaURL, isLive: self.isLive, pollForVast: false, vodResponseData: self.vodResponseData)
        AVPlayerIntegrationWrapper.shared.setMacroSubstitution(macroData: dictionary)

4. Add the MMSSAIManagerDelegate

Add the MMSSAIManagerDelegate the ViewController class in ViewController.swift. This delegate will be used for receiving Ad related events and data. At every Ad event the Delegate will fire the notifyMMSSAIAdEventsWith function. This can be used to display Ad related data, enable or disable Ad skipping etc.

class ViewController: UIViewController, MMSSAIManagerDelegate 
     func notifyMMSSAIAdEvents(eventName: MMSSAIAdSate, adInfo: MMSSAIAdDetails) {
        if (eventName == MMSSAIAdSate.adPlaying)
            print ("Ad progress ", ((AVPlayerIntegrationWrapper.getAdPlaybackTime(adInfo: adInfo)*100)/AVPlayerIntegrationWrapper.getAdDuration(adInfo: adInfo)))
            print(" Ad Id :",AVPlayerIntegrationWrapper.getAdId(adInfo: adInfo))
            print(" Ad Title :",AVPlayerIntegrationWrapper.getAdTitle(adInfo: adInfo) )
            print(" Ad Index :",AVPlayerIntegrationWrapper.getAdIndex(adInfo: adInfo)," of ", AVPlayerIntegrationWrapper.getAdTotalAdsInPod(adInfo: adInfo) )
            print(" Ad Server :",AVPlayerIntegrationWrapper.getAdServer(adInfo: adInfo))
            print(" Ad Duration :",AVPlayerIntegrationWrapper.getAdDuration(adInfo: adInfo) )
            print(" Ad Position :",AVPlayerIntegrationWrapper.getAdPosition(adInfo: adInfo) )
            print(" Ad Event :",eventName )
            if ( eventName == MMSSAIAdSate.adImpression)
                let clickURL = AVPlayerIntegrationWrapper.getClickThroughURL(adInfo: adInfo)
                let clickTrackingURL = AVPlayerIntegrationWrapper.getClickTrackingURL(adInfo: adInfo)
                print("Video Click URL:", clickURL)
                print("Video Click Tracking  URL:", clickTrackingURL)

Ad Events Supported

Sample output

 Ad Id : 502180
 Ad Title : Video_4
 Ad Index : 1  of  1
 Ad Server : VMAX
 Ad Duration : 25
 Ad Position : MID
 Ad Event : adCueTimelineStart
 Ad Id : 502180
 Ad Title : Video_4
 Ad Index : 1  of  1
 Ad Server : VMAX
 Ad Duration : 25
 Ad Position : MID
 Ad Event : adImpression
 Ad Id : 502180
 Ad Title : Video_4
 Ad Index : 1  of  1
 Ad Server : VMAX
 Ad Duration : 25
 Ad Position : MID
 Ad Event : adStarted
Ad progress  4
Ad progress  8
Ad progress  12
Ad progress  16
Ad progress  20
 Ad Id : 502180
 Ad Title : Video_4
 Ad Index : 1  of  1
 Ad Server : VMAX
 Ad Duration : 25
 Ad Position : MID
 Ad Event : adFirstQuartile
Ad progress  24
Ad progress  28
Ad progress  32
Ad progress  36
Ad progress  40
Ad progress  44
 Ad Id : 502180
 Ad Title : Video_4
 Ad Index : 1  of  1
 Ad Server : VMAX
 Ad Duration : 25
 Ad Position : MID
 Ad Event : adMidpoint
Ad progress  48
Ad progress  52
Ad progress  56
Ad progress  60
Ad progress  64
Ad progress  68
Ad progress  72
 Ad Id : 502180
 Ad Title : Video_4
 Ad Index : 1  of  1
 Ad Server : VMAX
 Ad Duration : 25
 Ad Position : MID
 Ad Event : adThirdQuartile
Ad progress  76
Ad progress  80
Ad progress  84
Ad progress  88
Ad progress  92
Ad progress  96
 Ad Id : 502180
 Ad Title : Video_4
 Ad Index : 1  of  1
 Ad Server : VMAX
 Ad Duration : 25
 Ad Position : MID
 Ad Event : adCompleted
 Ad Id : 502180
 Ad Title : Video_4
 Ad Index : 1  of  1
 Ad Server : VMAX
 Ad Duration : 25
 Ad Position : MID
 Ad Event : adCueTimelineEnd

5. Initialize the SSAI Ad Manager

Initialize the SSAI Ad Manager to track the Ads and report Ad related metric. For live stream the isLive is set to true. The below steps explains how to initialize SSAI Ad Manager without polling for vast. Incase of VOD, STEP 1 and STEP 2 are optional as we get the timeline data from source url. vodResponseData should contain the API response from the source URL.

Read the Manifest data from player API and retreive the Vast file from X-AD-VAST tag in the #EXT-X-DATERANGE metadata in the manifest file. To enable this mode there are a a few steps required

STEP 1: Enable Meta Data Collector

    private func initialisePlayer() {
        self.player = AVPlayer()
        self.metadataCollector = AVPlayerItemMetadataCollector()
        self.playerItem = AVPlayerItem(url: URL(string: self.mediaURL)!)
        AVPlayerIntegrationWrapper.setMetaDataCollector( player: self.player,
                                                         collector: self.metadataCollector,
                                                         playerItem: self.playerItem)

STEP 2: Sync player time with Manifest based time

        override func viewDidLoad() {
               selector: #selector(playerItemDidReadyToPlay(notification:)),
               name: .AVPlayerItemNewAccessLogEntry,
                                               object: self.player?.currentItem)
    // Sync player time
    @objc func playerItemDidReadyToPlay(notification: Notification) {
            if let _ = notification.object as? AVPlayerItem {
                AVPlayerIntegrationWrapper.shared.syncEpochTime(epochTime: Int64(self.playerItem.currentDate()!.timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000))
                            name: .AVPlayerItemNewAccessLogEntry,
                               object: player?.currentItem)

STEP 3 Initialise the AD Manager

AVPlayerIntegrationWrapper.shared.initialiseSSAIAdManager(mediaUrl: self.mediaURL, isLive: self.isLive, pollForVast: false, vodResponseData: self.vodResponseData)  // Poll for vast set to false used the metadatacollector for accesing manifest data

6. Set Macro Substitution Data for Tracking URLs

Provide the macro substitution data into a dictionary as shown below and send it to the AVPlayerIntegrationWrapper file.

let dictionary: [String: Any] = ["ccb": "9281c15a", "seq": 1, "bz": "video", "av": "1.12.3", "cmd": ["key1":"value1", "key2": "value2"]]

AVPlayerIntegrationWrapper.shared.setMacroSubstitution(macroData: dictionary)

7. Stop the SSAI Ad Manager

To stop the SSAI Ad Manager call the following API


List of AvPlayerIntegrationWrapper methods for SSAI

Last updated