Bitmovin Web v8 SDK with Content Provider Metrics (with Nowtilus SSAI)
This guide is for integrating the MediaMelon Player SDK with the Nowtilus SSAI Ad Manager for Bitmovin Web v8. This release provides analytics metrics to content providers Starz and Toolbox
Step 2: Register and Initialize MediaMelon Player SDK
Note: <customer_id> is your MediaMelon-assigned Customer ID. If you do not know your Customer ID contact MediaMelon at
Create a new plugin object and after the player instance has been created, register it, report player information, and then initialize the MediaMelon Player SDK plugin as shown below:
var MMBitmovinPlugin= new BitmovinPlayerMMSSIntgr();
const config = {
key: 'Bitmovin_license'
var container = document.getElementById('my-player');
var player = new bitmovin.player.Player(container, config);
MMBitmovinPlugin.registerMMSmartStreaming("PLAYER_NAME", "424847541", "SUBSCRIBER_ID", "DOMAIN_NAME", "SUBSCRIBER_TYPE", "SUBSCRIBER_TAG");
MMBitmovinPlugin.reportPlayerInfo("PLAYER_BRAND", "PLAYER_ODEL", "PLAYER_VERSION");
MMBitmovinPlugin.setAssetConfiguration(source); //check for source in step-4
Step 4: Providing Content Metadata and Custom Tags
You can also provide the Content Metadata and Custom Tags as shown below in html/js while setting source information. Please use the mmVideoAssetInfo structure to provide this information.
var source = {
dash: '',
hls: '',
progressive: '',
poster: '',
mmVideoAssetInfo: {
"assetName":"ASSETNAME_STRING/Episode Name",
"assetId": "ASSETID_STRING",
"videoId": "VIDEOID_STRING",
"contentType": "Genre of the content (episode, movies, etc)",
"drmProtection": "DRM type used (Widevine, Playready, etc)",
"episodeNumber": "Episode Number, e.g., 2 or E2",
"season":"Season number of the Series Title, e.g, 2 or S2",
"seriesTitle": "Series Title",
"key1": "VALUE_STRING1",
"key2": "VALUE_STRING2",
"key3": "VALUE_STRING3"
Step 5: Registering for Ad events for disabling Player controls
var NowtilusAdPlugin =new mmNowtilusSSAIPlugin(player);
NowtilusAdPlugin.addListener('start', function(adinfo){
console.log("AD start");
//** Application to Disable Player Controls here **
NowtilusAdPlugin.addListener('complete', function(adinfo){
console.log("AD complete");
//** Application to Enable Player Controls here **
let isLive = true; //set this to true for live stream and false for VOD stream.
// If isLive variable is not set here it will be handled internally.
MMBitmovinPlugin.initialize(player, bitmovin.player.PlayerEvent, isLive, NowtilusAdPlugin); //important step
Step 6: Update Asset Info
If Asset Information needs to be updated dynamically during the live session without re-initiating the player, then the updateAssetInfo API can be used to update the new AssetInfo
This API must be called for updating asset info for the live streams only
This API must be called after the Player has started the playback of the live stream
New Asset Info Object will override the previous values, Hence set all the fields that are required every time calling this API
// Create a new assetInfo object with the values need to be updated
var newAssetInfo = {
"assetName":"ASSETNAME_STRING/Episode Name",
"assetId": "ASSETID_STRING",
"videoId": "VIDEOID_STRING",
"contentType": "Genre of the content (episode, movies, etc)",
"drmProtection": "DRM type used (Widevine, Playready, etc)",
"episodeNumber": "Episode Number, e.g., 2 or E2",
"season":"Season number of the Series Title, e.g, 2 or S2",
"seriesTitle": "Series Title",
"key1": "VALUE_STRING1",
"key2": "VALUE_STRING2",
"key3": "VALUE_STRING3"
// Update the new assetInfo
The above code is tested with URLs with the structure: