Smartquery Insights

Work In Progress

This guide will help you fetch metrics and dimensions used to compile Smartsight Smartquery Insights dashboard.

Show Content Path GET

Returns the content journey of the users.

curl '<customer-id>?planlevel=<level>&period=start=1729666800,end=1730271600&queryname=contentpath'
-x GET --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

If you run this request yourself it will not work, you should replace the <access_token> in this example with your own Keycloak access_token you get by running Fetch Auth Token

Required request path parameters

customer-id string

A path parameter in form of a string. This is the unique identifier and you will be able to find this Id on your user profile page.

Required request query parameters


A query parameter in form of a string. This is the plan identifier number associated with CustomerID and you will be able to find this plan level using<customer-id>

period string

A query parameter in comma-separated string format. It needs to in the format of start date and end date (eg: start=1729666800,end=1730271600) in epoch time. For reference, use this Epoch Time converter


Combination of query parameters queryname=contentpath in string format. This request needs comma-separated metrics to retrieve the rquested data.


GET 200
    "totalcount": 1000,
    "pagecount": 239103,
    "response": [
            "assetname": "Oh My My Cit (start)",
            "next_assetname": "Weddings Hopefuls (dest)",
            "Weight": 8376,
            "totalpages": 239103
            "assetname": "Weddings Hopefuls (start)",
            "next_assetname": "Windy City Chicago (dest)",
            "Weight": 8342,
            "totalpages": 239103
            "assetname": "Thieves Were Caught on Tape (#101) (start)",
            "next_assetname": "Thieves Were Caught on Tape (#102)(dest)",
            "Weight": 3931,
            "totalpages": 239103
            "assetname": "The Nanny (start)",
            "next_assetname": "Hiding Family (dest)",
            "Weight": 128,
            "totalpages": 39376
            "assetname": "Run (start)",
            "next_assetname": "911 (dest)",
            "Weight": 162,
            "totalpages": 239103
            "assetname": "Robinson Story (start)",
            "next_assetname": "Her (dest)",
            "Weight": 162,
            "totalpages": 239103
    "totalrecords": 239103

Show Subscriber Insight GET

Returns subscriber details

curl '<customer-id>?planlevel=<level>&period=start=1729666800,end=1730271600&queryname=subscriberdetails'
-x GET --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

Required request path parameters

customer-id string

A path parameter in form of a string. This is the unique identifier and you will be able to find this Id on your user profile page.

Required request query parameters


A query parameter in form of a string. This is the plan identifier number associated with CustomerID and you will be able to find this plan level using<customer-id>

period string

A query parameter in comma-separated string format. It needs to in the format of start date and end date (eg: start=1729666800,end=1730271600) in epoch time. For reference, use this Epoch Time converter


Combination of query parameters queryname=subscriberdetails in string format. This request needs comma-separated metrics to retrieve the rquested data.


GET 200
    "totalcount": 1000,
    "pagecount": 0,
    "response": [
            "starttime": 1729728000,
            "sessionid": "525e447a7b8700-8ma7b_svod-roku-native",
            "device": "Roku",
            "platform": "Roku OS",
            "player": "svod-roku-native",
            "brand": "svod-roku-native",
            "model": "55S423",
            "assetname": "The Sex Therapist",
            "contenttype": "0",
            "attempts": 1,
            "viewercount": 1,
            "playdur": 2572.0,
            "errors": 0,
            "latency": 0.526
            "starttime": 1729641600,
            "sessionid": "27b4f980fe7458-4m45d_tve-roku-native",
            "device": "Roku",
            "platform": "Roku OS",
            "player": "tve-roku-native",
            "brand": "tve-roku-native",
            "model": "Roku Express",
            "assetname": "Part 1: Charismatic Leaders and Faithful Followers",
            "contenttype": "0",
            "attempts": 1,
            "viewercount": 1,
            "playdur": 675.0,
            "errors": 0,
            "latency": 0.658
    "totalrecords": 0

Last updated