Bitmovin Web Player

This guide is for integrating the MediaMelon Player SDK for the javascript based Bitmovin Web Player v8

Step 1: Add the MediaMelon Player SDK

To integrate the SmartSight Player SDK with the Bitmovin JS Player. Include the following lines in the html page just before the bitmovinplayer.js script is loaded

<script type="text/javascript" src="path-to/mmsmartstreaming-bitmovin.min.js" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="path-to/bitmovinplayer.js"></script>

Step 2: Register and Initialize the MediaMelon Player SDK

Note: <customer_id> is your MediaMelon-assigned Customer ID. If you do not know your Customer ID contact MediaMelon at

Create a new plugin object and after the player instance has been created, register it, report player information, and then initialize the Media Melon Player SDK plugin as shown below:

var mmBitmovinPlugin= new BitmovinPlayerMMSSIntgr();
  const config = {
      key: 'Bitmovin_license'

  var container = document.getElementById('my-player');
  var player = new bitmovin.player.Player(container, config);
  // Content Meta Data and Custom Tags
  var mmVideoAssetInfo = {
     "assetId": "ASSET_ID",
     "videoId": "VIDEO_ID",
     "contentType": "CONTENT_TYPE",
     "drmProtection": "DRM_PROTECTION",
     "episodeNumber": "EPISODE_NUMBER",
     "seriesTitle": "SERIES_TITLE",
         "key1": "VALUE1",
         "key2": "VALUE2",
         "key3": "VALUE3"
  mmBitmovinPlugin.reportPlayerInfo("PLAYE_BRAND", "PLAYER_MODEL", "PLAYER_VERSION");
  mmBitmovinAdapter.reportAppInfo("APP_NAME", "APP_VERSION");
  var isLive = false;    //Set this to true for a live stream or false for a VOD stream
  // If isLive is not set here, it will be handled internally by the SDK.
  mmBitmovinPlugin.initialize(player, "STREAM_URL", mmVideoAssetInfo, isLive);

Step 3: Report Player load error

Notify Bitmovin load failure using reportPlayerError as shown below:

player.load(source).then(function () {
     // Success
  },function (reason) {
      // Error!
      mmBitmovinPlugin.reportPlayerError(reason, source);

Step 4: Update Asset Info

If Asset Information needs to be updated dynamically during the live session without re-initiating the player, then the updateAssetInfo API can be used to update the new AssetInfo

// Create a new assetInfo object with the values need to be updated
var newAssetInfo =  { 
     "assetId": "ASSET_ID",
     "videoId": "VIDEO_ID",
     "contentType": "CONTENT_TYPE",
     "drmProtection": "DRM_PROTECTION",
     "episodeNumber": "EPISODE_NUMBER",
     "seriesTitle": "SERIES_TITLE",
         "key1": "VALUE1",
         "key2": "VALUE2",
         "key3": "VALUE3"
// Update the new assetInfo

Step 5: Set Content Provider Details

Set the required content provider details via an URL. This URL should contain all the details like id's, token information and provider information. This step is required only to generate starz and toolbox events.





String containing the Player Name.


String containing your MediaMelon-assigned Customer ID.


String containing your Subscriber’s ID. If you do not use subscriber IDs, enter null


String containing your section of your subscriber or assets. (Optional)


String containing the Subscriber Type (e.g. “Free”, “Paid”). If you do not use subscriber types, enter null


String containing an additional subscriber-specific information. This is sent in clear (not hashed) to SmartSight and it is advised to not send sensitive information in this field.


String containing Asset Id.


String containing Asset Name.


String containing your video’s ID. If you do not use videos IDs, enter null.


String containing type of the Content. For example - "Movie", "Special", "Clip", "Scene Epis Lifts".


String containing Genre of the content. For example - "Comedy", "Horror".


Widevine, Fairplay, Playready etc. Unknown means content is protected, but protection type is unknown. For clear contents, do not set this field


String containing sequence number of the Episode.


String containing the Season. For example - "Season1".


String containing Title of the Series.


String containing Video Type. For example - "LIVE", "VOD".

Last updated

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