Bitmovin iOS v3.44 with Content Provider Metrics
Step by step integration of the MediaMelon Player SDK with Bitmovin Player 3.44
Integrating the MediaMelonSmartStreaming Framework
There are five steps involved in integrating the MediaMelon Player SDK using the MediaMelonSmartStreaming Framework:
Importing the framework
Providing asset information for the content before starting the player and after creating its instance
Cleaning up the SDK integration session
Create a new session and update the asset information
Enabling Content Provider Metrics
All Bitmovin Player-related code of the sample application can be found in the Swift classViewController.swift
1. Import Frameworks
2. Provide Asset information
After the instance of the player is created, and SourceConfig is set with it, we should set the asset information and send it before starting its playback. In ViewController.swift, call function self.configureMMSDK(
mediaURL: String, vastURL: String)
3. Cleaning up the SDK Session
We need to clean up the SDK session once the playback is completed. The SDK internally manages the cleanup for most of the cases. For example - when playback finishes or some error is notified.
However, in some error cases, like network reachability issues, the error notification is delayed. Before this error notification is available, the user may trigger another session. Therefore, it is advised to clean up the session once the playback finishes.
We recommend cleanup at the following two places.
When the view controller hosting the post-roll ad terminates
When the player is restarted
4. Create a new session and update the asset information
During playback updateAssetInfo can be used to create a new session and update the asset information. The usage can be seen in the updateAsset function in the ViewController
5. Enabling Content Provider Metrics
Content Provider Metric Reporting is enabled by calling the setContentProviderDetails function defined in the BitmovinPlayerIntegrationWrapper.swift. This needs to be done immediately after the call to configure the Media Melon SDK
The setContentProviderDetails expects the URL with the Content Provider information as shown in the table below. In case the information is correctly provided it enables content provider metrics reporting.
The above code is tested with URLs with the structure:
stzp : Starz tbox: Toolbox
JWT Token for Toolbox endpoint
Content ID
Starz session ID
For enabling Toolbox metrics please pass - provider, tbtoken and cid values as shown below
For enabling Starz content provider metrics please pass: provider, cid, and sid values as shown below
String containing the Player Name.
String containing your MediaMelon-assigned Customer ID.
String containing your Subscriber’s ID. If you do not use subscriber IDs, enter null
String containing your section of your subscriber or assets. (Optional)
String containing the Subscriber Type (e.g. “Free”, “Paid”). If you do not use subscriber types, enter null
String containing an additional subscriber-specific information. This is sent in clear (not hashed) to SmartSight and it is advised to not send sensitive information in this field.
String containing Asset Id.
String containing Asset Name.
String containing your video’s ID. If you do not use videos IDs, enter null.
String containing type of the Content. For example - "Movie", "Special", "Clip", "Scene Epis Lifts".
String containing Genre of the content. For example - "Comedy", "Horror".
Widevine, Fairplay, Playready etc. Unknown means content is protected, but protection type is unknown. For clear contents, do not set this field
String containing sequence number of the Episode.
String containing the Season. For example - "Season1".
String containing Title of the Series.
String containing Video Type. For example - "LIVE", "VOD".
Extra custom metadata can be added here if required. If extra metadata is not required, enter null.
String containing Player Brand.
String containing Player Model. For example - This could be a variant of player. Say name of third party player used by organisation. Or any human readable name of the player.
String containing Player Version.
Last updated
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