EXOPlayer-Android(V2.17.1) MediaMelon SDK with Google IMA DAI
This procedure describes the MediaMelon SDK(with Google IMA DAI) Integration with a ExoPlayer Android . This is a sample integration done with the sample application from the Google IMA DAI.
Step 2.2 :
Add the below imports to: BasicExample\app\src\main\java\com\google\ads\interactivemedia\v3\samples\samplevideoplayer/SampleVideoPlayer.java
Step 3 : Integrate MediaMelon code to the Sample App
The below steps shows the procedure to integrate the MediaMelon library to the sample app.
Note - Only the code written inside the <MediaMelon Integration> tag is to be added for MediaMelon specific integration , the rest of the code above and below the <MediaMelon Integration> tag is shown just to give a context ,as shown below :-
<MediaMelon Integration>CodeforMediaMelon specific integration<//MediaMelon Integration>
Step 3.1:
Add the following code to:
privatevoidinitPlayer() { // this is the function that creates/initialises the EXO playerrelease(); simpleExoPlayer =new SimpleExoPlayer.Builder(context).build();playerView.setPlayer(simpleExoPlayer);....<MediaMelon Integration>String assetId ="assetID"; //enter you assetId hereString assetName ="assetNAME"; // enter your assetname hereString videoId ="videoID"; // enter your videoId here//optional content metadataContentMetadata cm =newContentMetadata();String episodeNumber ="$episodeNumber ";String season ="$season";String genre ="$genre";String drmProtection ="$drmProtection";String contentType ="$contentType";String title ="$title";String videoType ="$videoType";cm.videoId=videoId;cm.seriesTitle=title;cm.season=season;cm.genre=genre;cm.episodeNumber=episodeNumber;cm.drmProtection=drmProtection;cm.contentType=contentType;cm.assetName=assetName;cm.assetId=assetId;cm.videoType= videoType;JSONObject ContentMetadataAsJSON =cm.getJSONObject();//the below initializeSession() call is to be made only after the EXO player instance has been createdMMSmartStreamingExo2.getInstance().initializeSession(simpleExoPlayer,MMQBRMode.QBRModeDisabled,"$streamUrl",null,assetId,assetName,videoId,null,ContentMetadataAsJSON);//(optional) add custom tagsMMSmartStreamingExo2.getInstance().reportCustomMetadata("key","value");MMSmartStreamingExo2.getInstance().reportUserInitiatedPlayback();<//MediaMelon Integration>};
Step 3.2:
Add the following code to:
@OverrideprotectedvoidonCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);setContentView(R.layout.activity_my);....<MediaMelon Integration>Log.d("SmartStreamingIntgr",MMSmartStreamingExo2.getVersion());MMSmartStreamingExo2.enableLogTrace(true); //set to "false" before releasing player to productionif (MMSmartStreamingExo2.getRegistrationStatus() ==false){ //Check if it is the first time Registration process is doneMMSmartStreamingExo2.registerMMSmartStreaming("$PLAYERNAME","$CustomerId","$SUBSCRIBERID","$DOMAINNAME","$SUBSCRIBERTYPE","$SUBSCRIBERTAG");MMSmartStreamingExo2.reportPlayerInfo("$Brand","$Model","$Version");MMSmartStreamingExo2.getInstance().setContext(getApplicationContext()); //Please make sure to provide the application's context here, and not the activity's context }<//MediaMelon Integration>.... }
String containing the player version (e.g. “Bitmovin_Android_Player_2.28.0”).
String containing your MediaMelon-assigned Customer ID.
String containing your subscriber’s ID. If you do not use subscriber IDs, enter null
String containing your section of your subscriber or assets. (Optional)
String containing the subscriber type (e.g. “Free”, “Paid”). If you do not use subscriber types, enter null
String containing an additional subscriber-specific information. This is sent in clear (not hashed) to SmartSight and it is advised to not send sensitive information in this field.
String containing Asset Id.
String containing Asset Name.
String containing your video’s ID. If you do not use videos IDs, enter null.
String containing the player brand (e.g. “bitmovin”).
String containing the player model. For example - This could be a variant of player. Say name of third party player used by organisation. Or any human readable name of the player.
String containing the player version.
Step 3.3 :
Add the following code to:
privatefinalImaSdkFactory sdkFactory;privateAdsLoader adsLoader;privateStreamDisplayContainer displayContainer;privateStreamManager streamManager;privatefinalList<VideoStreamPlayer.VideoStreamPlayerCallback> playerCallbacks;..<MediaMelon Integration>MMAnalyticsBridge analyticsBridgeObject; // Declaration of Analytics Bridge object , wherever the IMA AdsLoader and IMA StreamManager are declared in your application<//MediaMelon Integration>
privatevoidcreateAdsLoader() { // this functions creates the Google IMA DAI ads loader (which is preferably a singleton - only one ads loader for the entire lifecyle)ImaSdkSettings settings =sdkFactory.createImaSdkSettings();<MediaMelon Integration> analyticsBridgeObject =MMSmartStreamingExo2.getInstance().getAnalyticsBridge(); // get the Analytics Bridge Object ,this should be done wherever in your application the Google IMA adsLoader is created<//MediaMelon Integration>... adsLoader =sdkFactory.createAdsLoader(context, settings, displayContainer);}
publicvoidrequestAndPlayAds() { ..<MediaMelon Integration>adsLoader.addAdErrorListener(analyticsBridgeObject); // pass the Analytics Bridge object to the ads error listenersadsLoader.addAdsLoadedListener(analyticsBridgeObject); // pass the Analytics Bridge object to the ads loaded listeners<//MediaMelon Integration>..adsLoader.addAdErrorListener(this);adsLoader.addAdsLoadedListener(this); adsLoader.requestStream(buildStreamRequest());..}
@OverridepublicvoidonAdsManagerLoaded(AdsManagerLoadedEvent event) {..<MediaMelon Integration>streamManager.addAdErrorListener(analyticsBridgeObject); // pass the Analytics Bridge object to the ad error listenersstreamManager.addAdEventListener(analyticsBridgeObject); // pass the Analytics Bridge object to the ad event listeners<//MediaMelon Integration>..streamManager.addAdErrorListener(this);streamManager.addAdEventListener(this);streamManager.init();.. }
@OverridepublicvoidonAdEvent(AdEvent event) { // this is a callback which gets called whenever a AD event occursswitch (event.getType()) {// Access all ad events here , this method will be automatically called whenever an ad event occurscase AD_PROGRESS:// write your own logic inside each casebreak;case FIRST_QUARTILE:// write your own logic inside each casebreak;case MIDPOINT:// write your own logic inside each casebreak;case THIRD_QUARTILE:// write your own logic inside each casebreak;case COMPLETED:// write your own logic inside each casebreak;default:log(String.format("Event: %s\n",event.getType()));break; } }